Etat des lieux des grands herbiers en 2017

ANGLAIS / L'Index Herbariorum a publié son rapport pour l'année 2017 !

ANGLAIS / L’Index Herbariorum a publié son rapport pour l’année 2017 !
The World’s Herbaria 2017:
A Summary Report Based on Data from Index Herbariorum
– Issue 2.1, published January 5, 2018 (Geographic arrangement corrected)
Barbara M. Thiers – Editor, Index Herbariorum

With this document The New York Botanical Garden issues the second Index
Herbariorum annual report. Reports for 2016 and 2017 are available for
download on the Index Herbariorum website (
The purpose of the report is to provide an annual snapshot of Index Herbariorum
data to facilitate tracking changes in the number of herbaria and the specimens
they hold over time. Participating institutions can use these data to put their
own collection in a global perspective and to understand how they contribute to
the worldwide effort to document plant and fungal biodiversity. Hopefully the
report will also prompt herbaria to update their information regularly.
Herbaria have long had a tradition of communication and cooperation, and Index
Herbariorum benefits greatly from this tradition. I thank the hundreds of
contributors each year who alert me to changes in their own herbaria and also to
changes in other herbaria. The statistics provided in this report reflect the
content of the database as of 1 December 2017.

>> Télécharger le rapport 2017 (PDF, 1.2 Mo)

Image d’illustration : capture écran de la cartographie de IH

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