Schotsman (1967) reviewed herbarium material from throughout Europe and western Asia and separated material with these features into three subspecies:
- subsp. truncata in which the fruits are clearly winged;
- subsp. occidentalis (Rouy) Schotsm., in which the fruits lack a wing;
- and subsp. fimbriata Schotsm., in which the fruits are winged, but the wing is reduced to a fringe of whitish ?hairs?. Subsequently the latter was elevated to species rank as C. fimbriata Tzvelev (1975).
Source : LANSDOWN (2006) Notes on the water-starworts (Callitriche) recorded in Europe. Watsonia 26: 105-120
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LANSDOWN (2006) Notes on the water-starworts (Callitriche) recorded in Europe. Watsonia 26: 105-120