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Présence en Ariège
In the second decade of June 2010 my wife and I spent 6 days in the mountains near Ax-les-Thermes. This holiday was devoted to walking and botanising.On our walk from Appy to Etang d?Appy at 16th June we found (at about 31 T 397155/4740207 on 1600 m, Carte IGN 2148 ET: Ax-les-Thermes) some specimen of a Violet. We identified the plants as Viola bubanii. We made pictures of some of them and collected a part of one of them.
But at home, we found on the "Liste de taxons Ariège" (from Internet Chorologie départementale) for this species the information: "Présence à confirmer". So there are two possibilities: we identified the plant wrong or it is for the Ariège an interesting observation.
Therefore we have send our pictures to Marc Espeut at Prades. We knew that he is a violet-expert. One day later we received his answer: Yes it is V. bubanii!. Its presence in Ariège is now sure. Congratulations.
He asked us: Can you describe the environment where it grows ? and the nearest locality ?
Our answer: we (Jacques Bielen and Ineke Bielen-Biessels) saw Viola bubanii on the northern edge of the trail when we came down from Etang d'Appy on 16 june 2010. We are very sorry to tell you that we do not know much about the environment. We were in a hurry because there was an approaching thunderstorm. And we did not realize that we made a special find. We made only the pictures and went on.
Perhaps you can provide for the change in de "Liste" for Viola bubanii from "Présence à confirmer" in "Présent".
Yours faithfully,
Ineke en Jacques Bielen
Our Address: J.W. Bielen
Scholtenhoeklaan 7
7573 BG Oldenzaal
the Netherlands
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