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Actus SPIP

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Mémo requêtes pour l'archivage rapide des articles :
SELECT id_article, titre, `date`, id_rubrique, statut FROM tela_prod_spip_actu.spip_articles WHERE 
`date` >= '2013-05-28' /* <- date min */ AND 
`date` <= '2014-01-02' /* <- date max */ AND 
id_rubrique = 22 /* <- rubrique d'origine */ AND
statut = 'publie' ORDER BY `date` DESC;

UPDATE tela_prod_spip_actu.spip_articles SET
id_rubrique = 31 /* <- rubrique d'archive */ WHERE
`date` >= '2040-05-28' /* <- date min */ AND
`date` <= '2014-01-02' /* <- date max */ AND
id_rubrique = 22 /* <- rubrique d'origine */ AND
statut = 'publie' ORDER BY `date` DESC;