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Translation of the Project Files
Project details.
1. eflore
This is devised to collect, compile and make use, thanks to the computer database, of details concerning plants.
What is the purpose of this project?
Eflore aims to construct a database and software library which will contain descriptive files of plants, tools of determination , details of research, and of publications about the French flora .
All the software used is under free licence. It can be re-used freely.
This project uses the contents of the nomenclatural database of the French flora devised by Benoit BOCK.
Indices of the floras of Reunion, Guadaloupe, and Martinique have been added.
This project is developed in close collaboration with the Laboratory of Computer and Systematic studies, of the University of Paris VI
You can consult online the first version of eflore at the following address :
To participate you can :-
- Subscribe to the forum sending an email to :
You will receive a confirmatory email and you will be able to send messages using the following address :-
- To consult the web-page on this project go to:-
The co-ordinators
Frederic Legens
Jean-Pascal Milcent
2. Invasive plants
To improve our knowledge about invasive species in Languedoc -Roussillon and to map their distributions.
What is the purpose of this project?
The Mediterranean Agency of the Environment, DIREN and the National Mediterannean Botany Conservatory at Porquerolles began research about invasive plants and their impact on the Languedoc Roussillon region in 2003.
The Tela botanica network has associated itself with them and provides tools of communication and interpretative activity, inviting botanists of the district to collect and to transmit their discoveries in the field.
Firstly, the objectives are to evaluate the current distribution of some species which are judged to be invasive.
In the long term this project will improve our knowledge about the
ecological preferences of these species and it will permit us to better evaluate the risks which are induced by their proliferation.
With the co-operation of the botanists of the tela-botanica network,
restorations of degraded sites will be regularly achieved. Data will be put online and accessible to everybody.
To participate you can :-
- subscribe to the forum sending a email to the following address:
- consult the dossier on the project and download files on field discoveries.
The co-ordinators
Sarah Brunel
Jean-Pascal Milcent
Progress Report
Regular exchanges allow the accumulation of information and the compilation of maps.
Creation : October 2002
To achieve an inventory of all French herbaria which are available for internet consultation .
What is the purpose of this project?
France has numerous herbaria of varied size and rank: some are a witness to the botanic exploration of the earth, and they include numerous ‘type specimens’.
Some others have gathered together the fruits of more local exploration and they constitute a mine of botanical information indispensable for the conservation of both species and the environment.
The Index of Herbaria lists about fifty, although there are certainly more.
Also it is urgent to constitute a database which is more complete on the herbaria in public ownership or otherwise open to consultation: this project has the ambition to organise the gathering together of all such details existing on all French territory and to put them at the disposal of everybody, online, on the Tela Botanica website.
This project is on partnership with Museum of Natural History in Paris.
This project takes place with a European initiative beause it is inspired and is interacting with the BioCase project which is hoping to bring an interconnection between all biological collections.
- suscribe to a forum by sending an email to the following address :
You will receive a confirmatory email and you can then send messages using address:
-contribute to the herbarium census
contact us :
The co-ordinators
Peter A.Schafer
Joël Mathez
Jean-Pascal Milcent
Progress Report
185 collections
57 organisations are referenced
Creation on July 2001
Action on-going
++++++++++++ not revised below here+++++
Project with partnership of Montpellier II university
What are the objectives of this project ?
The question is of imagining and realizing. Then it must test dynamic tools for help in plant identification in various context for usage : at home or at laboratory, via Internet or in local, with PC and on the field with pocket computer (PDA).
Integration of innovator technologies has displayed to give an effective access for the knowledge of vegetal description. It enable to identify all plants of the French Flora.
Utilization of Internet is inescapable for this project because it is made so as to be totally decentralized within the context of the French Botanists Network.
A first application is beeing to be realize on 92 plants in the Dipsacales.
To participate, you can :
- Suscribe to a chat room sending email to the following address :
You will receive a mail of confirmation and you can send some messages using address :
- contact us :
The co-ordinator
State of perferment
It is beeing to be realize
Creation on November 2004
Realisation is expecting : from 2006
Put online the original descriptive panel of French vegetable association with their bibliographic sources.
What are the objectives of this project ?
It consist in arranged panels about phytosociologic statements. These lists the spacies which are present in each association, giving them the appropriate semi-quantitative ratios. (abundance-dominance).
Some synthetic panels of frequency (with Roman column of frequency categories ) can be also presented. Exceptionally, we can accept simple lists of spacies in the absence of more detailed data. Synthesis panel concerning association, notification and category, will be also at your disponibility.
Later on, We also show some more recently databases which are in France.
You would find on the website a lot of panels and system of references about algae, moss, batrachian, mammal and their ecologic environments.
To participate, you can :
- Suscribe to a chat room sending email to the following address :
You will receive a mail of confirmation and you can send some messages using address :
- contact us :
The co-ordinator :
Philippe Julve
State of perferment :
200 panels online
Creation on September 2003
Perrenate action
To realize some distribution maps of the French plants
What are the objectives of this project ?
On the Metropolitan French website contrarily to others countries, we don't find some distribution maps about the flora which are consutable online.
This require a very important work to collect information. In the first point, the botanists whole Network deals with examine the bibliography. In the second point, It must put online these data for the departmental scale.
This project has begun in the course of the 2002 year and it continues to actualize the data.
You can find more information on the project "Chorology" at the following address : http : and consult the lists on the address :
To participate, you can :
- Consult the document about this project on the Tela Botanica Website and download the first lists.
- Suscribe to a chat room sending email to the following address :
You will receive a mail of confirmation and you can send some messages using address :
- Consult the lists and send yours observations and correction on the debate list.
The co-ordinators :
Philippe Julve
Jean-Pascal Milcent
State of perferment :
A Excel file is available in the project title.
Calendar :
Creation on september 2002
To collect the vernacular plants names in the main languages
What are the objectives of this project ?
The botanists uses a scientific name for plants which doesn't satisfy the general public. It doesn't know often their equal and vernacular denomination. Then, a wide collect of Metropolitan plants of vernacular names has been undertaken to research the equal denomination of the equal species in the Nomenclature Database of the French Flora (It is realized by Benoît BOCK).
For beginning, 7 European languages have been selected : French, Italian, Spanish (Castilian), Catalan, English, German and Deutch language with indication of the origine geographical (a same plant doen't have always the same name in France, Belgium or in Switzerland!)
You can research the versacular names and the scientific names corresponding to a plant on :
To participate, you can :
- Consult the plants index on Tela Botanica realizing a research thanks to the versecular names
- Subscribe to a chat room sending email at the following address :
You will receive a mail of confirmation and you can send some messages using the address :
The co-ordinators :
Jean-François Leger
Michel Chauvet
Jean-Pascal Milcent
State of advancement :
48 000 vernaculars names have been collected
Creation on october 2001
Perrenate action
Realize regularly upgrade all plants names and their synonyms for the French Flora
What are the objectives of this project ?
At the initiative of B. Bock, this project is considered like the fondator project of the Tela Botanica Network. Indeed, He is one of the first to rally the network ressources. His objectives are to enter a database and to verify methodically the Synonymy Index of the French Flora. This index had been realized by Michel KERGUELEN (INRA, dead in 1999) and it doesn't contain less than 75 000 plants names.
This database is a botanical reference for the national inventory of the natural patrimony managed by the Museum of the Natural History from Paris.
This database is accessible on Internet and is used like referential for several others projects : vernaculars names plants, departmental chorologie, etc.
You can consult the nomenclatural database of the French Flora, last edition :
To participate, you can :
- Consult the database :
- Subscrive to a chat room sending email at the following address :
You will receive a mail of confirmation and you can send some messages using the address :
The co-ordinators :
Benoît Bock
Jean-Pascal Milcent
State of advancement :
79 930 taxa names
17 543 different names
Creation on June 2000
Perrenate action
Pedagogic documents on the Tela Botanica website to permit all different public to impove their botanical knwledge
What are the objectives of this project ?
Botanical is one of several discipline which are learnt in few specialized programs as pharmacy and veterinary schools.Botanical isn't taught in middle and high scholl as desriptive plants discipline, about their organisation, application and ecology.Botanical had been suplanted by descriptive or molecular biology.
Also, this project of put online about pedagogic content had been created to collect and organize course access, educational sofware, scientific notes from internet. All discipline are concerned like fondement discipline(vegetal biology, ecology,systematic ...) to application discipline (forest exploitation, pharmacology, malherbology...).
Objective is to propose pdagogic contents which are accomodated to differents high level from
To participate you can :
- contact us if you have got pedagogic documents that you wish to put at disposal to everybody:
- subscribe to a chat room sending a email to the following address:
You will receive a email of confirmation and you can send messages using the address:
The co-ordinators
Tamara Le Bourg
Daniel Mathieu
State of advancement
Documents will be shorly available.
Creation on June 2001
Put at disposal on internet references about french speaking botanical publication .
Put at disposal an organisation directory working for botanical.
What are the objectives of this project?
At this day, it doesn't exist bibliographica database about all botanical publication (articles,books, CD, DVD, videos) which are published in french language.
The Tela Botanica Network has got objectives to realize this inventory and to put it online.
It is a very consistant work: there are several about ten thousand references.
We are reasearching people or structures which have already done data entries to include these references, with their agreement, into our database.
We also work to put in place a cooperative data entry system to the volunteers can participate to data entry about bibliographic references.
The association brings up to date a address directory about association and botanical institution.
On The Tela Botanica website:"le monde des plantes" since 1932, "La Garance Voyageuse", "Le bulletin de la SBCO, SBF publications and other several books.
To participate, you can :
- consult database: with a very efficient search engine:
- help us to complete references
Contact us if you have got knowledge about bibligraphic data entry which are already existent or if you want to participate to the cooperative data entry of references.
Tamara Le Bourg
State of advancement
25,887 articles clasified
592 books and medias
289 organizations
Created on June 2001
Traduction des fiches projets
Translation of the Project Files
Project details.
1. eflore
This is devised to collect, compile and make use, thanks to the computer database, of details concerning plants.
What is the purpose of this project?
Eflore aims to construct a database and software library which will contain descriptive files of plants, tools of determination , details of research, and of publications about the French flora .
All the software used is under free licence. It can be re-used freely.
This project uses the contents of the nomenclatural database of the French flora devised by Benoit BOCK.
Indices of the floras of Reunion, Guadaloupe, and Martinique have been added.
This project is developed in close collaboration with the Laboratory of Computer and Systematic studies, of the University of Paris VI
You can consult online the first version of eflore at the following address :
To participate you can :-
- Subscribe to the forum sending an email to :
You will receive a confirmatory email and you will be able to send messages using the following address :-
- To consult the web-page on this project go to:-
The co-ordinators
Frederic Legens
Jean-Pascal Milcent
2. Invasive plants
To improve our knowledge about invasive species in Languedoc -Roussillon and to map their distributions.
What is the purpose of this project?
The Mediterranean Agency of the Environment, DIREN and the National Mediterannean Botany Conservatory at Porquerolles began research about invasive plants and their impact on the Languedoc Roussillon region in 2003.
The Tela botanica network has associated itself with them and provides tools of communication and interpretative activity, inviting botanists of the district to collect and to transmit their discoveries in the field.
Firstly, the objectives are to evaluate the current distribution of some species which are judged to be invasive.
In the long term this project will improve our knowledge about the
ecological preferences of these species and it will permit us to better evaluate the risks which are induced by their proliferation.
With the co-operation of the botanists of the tela-botanica network,
restorations of degraded sites will be regularly achieved. Data will be put online and accessible to everybody.
To participate you can :-
- subscribe to the forum sending a email to the following address:
- consult the dossier on the project and download files on field discoveries.
The co-ordinators
Sarah Brunel
Jean-Pascal Milcent
Progress Report
Regular exchanges allow the accumulation of information and the compilation of maps.
Creation : October 2002
To achieve an inventory of all French herbaria which are available for internet consultation .
What is the purpose of this project?
France has numerous herbaria of varied size and rank: some are a witness to the botanic exploration of the earth, and they include numerous ‘type specimens’.
Some others have gathered together the fruits of more local exploration and they constitute a mine of botanical information indispensable for the conservation of both species and the environment.
The Index of Herbaria lists about fifty, although there are certainly more.
Also it is urgent to constitute a database which is more complete on the herbaria in public ownership or otherwise open to consultation: this project has the ambition to organise the gathering together of all such details existing on all French territory and to put them at the disposal of everybody, online, on the Tela Botanica website.
This project is on partnership with Museum of Natural History in Paris.
This project takes place with a European initiative beause it is inspired and is interacting with the BioCase project which is hoping to bring an interconnection between all biological collections.
- suscribe to a forum by sending an email to the following address :
You will receive a confirmatory email and you can then send messages using address:
-contribute to the herbarium census
contact us :
The co-ordinators
Peter A.Schafer
Joël Mathez
Jean-Pascal Milcent
Progress Report
185 collections
57 organisations are referenced
Creation on July 2001
Action on-going
++++++++++++ not revised below here+++++
Project with partnership of Montpellier II university
Realize and diffuse tools for help in plant identification with PC.What are the objectives of this project ?
The question is of imagining and realizing. Then it must test dynamic tools for help in plant identification in various context for usage : at home or at laboratory, via Internet or in local, with PC and on the field with pocket computer (PDA).
Integration of innovator technologies has displayed to give an effective access for the knowledge of vegetal description. It enable to identify all plants of the French Flora.
Utilization of Internet is inescapable for this project because it is made so as to be totally decentralized within the context of the French Botanists Network.
A first application is beeing to be realize on 92 plants in the Dipsacales.
To participate, you can :
- Suscribe to a chat room sending email to the following address :
You will receive a mail of confirmation and you can send some messages using address :
- contact us :
The co-ordinator
- Valéry Malecot
State of perferment
It is beeing to be realize
Creation on November 2004
Realisation is expecting : from 2006
Phytosociological panels
Put online the original descriptive panel of French vegetable association with their bibliographic sources.
What are the objectives of this project ?
It consist in arranged panels about phytosociologic statements. These lists the spacies which are present in each association, giving them the appropriate semi-quantitative ratios. (abundance-dominance).
Some synthetic panels of frequency (with Roman column of frequency categories ) can be also presented. Exceptionally, we can accept simple lists of spacies in the absence of more detailed data. Synthesis panel concerning association, notification and category, will be also at your disponibility.
Later on, We also show some more recently databases which are in France.
You would find on the website a lot of panels and system of references about algae, moss, batrachian, mammal and their ecologic environments.
To participate, you can :
- Suscribe to a chat room sending email to the following address :
You will receive a mail of confirmation and you can send some messages using address :
- contact us :
The co-ordinator :
Philippe Julve
State of perferment :
200 panels online
Creation on September 2003
Perrenate action
Plants distribution on the departmental scale
To realize some distribution maps of the French plants
What are the objectives of this project ?
On the Metropolitan French website contrarily to others countries, we don't find some distribution maps about the flora which are consutable online.
This require a very important work to collect information. In the first point, the botanists whole Network deals with examine the bibliography. In the second point, It must put online these data for the departmental scale.
This project has begun in the course of the 2002 year and it continues to actualize the data.
You can find more information on the project "Chorology" at the following address : http : and consult the lists on the address :
To participate, you can :
- Consult the document about this project on the Tela Botanica Website and download the first lists.
- Suscribe to a chat room sending email to the following address :
You will receive a mail of confirmation and you can send some messages using address :
- Consult the lists and send yours observations and correction on the debate list.
The co-ordinators :
Philippe Julve
Jean-Pascal Milcent
State of perferment :
A Excel file is available in the project title.
Calendar :
Creation on september 2002
Plants names in vernacular language
To collect the vernacular plants names in the main languages
What are the objectives of this project ?
The botanists uses a scientific name for plants which doesn't satisfy the general public. It doesn't know often their equal and vernacular denomination. Then, a wide collect of Metropolitan plants of vernacular names has been undertaken to research the equal denomination of the equal species in the Nomenclature Database of the French Flora (It is realized by Benoît BOCK).
For beginning, 7 European languages have been selected : French, Italian, Spanish (Castilian), Catalan, English, German and Deutch language with indication of the origine geographical (a same plant doen't have always the same name in France, Belgium or in Switzerland!)
You can research the versacular names and the scientific names corresponding to a plant on :
To participate, you can :
- Consult the plants index on Tela Botanica realizing a research thanks to the versecular names
- Subscribe to a chat room sending email at the following address :
You will receive a mail of confirmation and you can send some messages using the address :
The co-ordinators :
Jean-François Leger
Michel Chauvet
Jean-Pascal Milcent
State of advancement :
48 000 vernaculars names have been collected
Creation on october 2001
Perrenate action
Nomenclatural Database of the French Flora
Realize regularly upgrade all plants names and their synonyms for the French Flora
What are the objectives of this project ?
At the initiative of B. Bock, this project is considered like the fondator project of the Tela Botanica Network. Indeed, He is one of the first to rally the network ressources. His objectives are to enter a database and to verify methodically the Synonymy Index of the French Flora. This index had been realized by Michel KERGUELEN (INRA, dead in 1999) and it doesn't contain less than 75 000 plants names.
This database is a botanical reference for the national inventory of the natural patrimony managed by the Museum of the Natural History from Paris.
This database is accessible on Internet and is used like referential for several others projects : vernaculars names plants, departmental chorologie, etc.
You can consult the nomenclatural database of the French Flora, last edition :
To participate, you can :
- Consult the database :
- Subscrive to a chat room sending email at the following address :
You will receive a mail of confirmation and you can send some messages using the address :
The co-ordinators :
Benoît Bock
Jean-Pascal Milcent
State of advancement :
79 930 taxa names
17 543 different names
Creation on June 2000
Perrenate action
Discovering and learning botanical on internet
Pedagogic documents on the Tela Botanica website to permit all different public to impove their botanical knwledge
What are the objectives of this project ?
Botanical is one of several discipline which are learnt in few specialized programs as pharmacy and veterinary schools.Botanical isn't taught in middle and high scholl as desriptive plants discipline, about their organisation, application and ecology.Botanical had been suplanted by descriptive or molecular biology.
Also, this project of put online about pedagogic content had been created to collect and organize course access, educational sofware, scientific notes from internet. All discipline are concerned like fondement discipline(vegetal biology, ecology,systematic ...) to application discipline (forest exploitation, pharmacology, malherbology...).
Objective is to propose pdagogic contents which are accomodated to differents high level from
- elementary school to superior and professionnal teaching.
To participate you can :
- contact us if you have got pedagogic documents that you wish to put at disposal to everybody:
- subscribe to a chat room sending a email to the following address:
You will receive a email of confirmation and you can send messages using the address:
The co-ordinators
Tamara Le Bourg
Daniel Mathieu
State of advancement
Documents will be shorly available.
Creation on June 2001
Botanical bibliography and botanical directory
Put at disposal on internet references about french speaking botanical publication .
Put at disposal an organisation directory working for botanical.
What are the objectives of this project?
At this day, it doesn't exist bibliographica database about all botanical publication (articles,books, CD, DVD, videos) which are published in french language.
The Tela Botanica Network has got objectives to realize this inventory and to put it online.
It is a very consistant work: there are several about ten thousand references.
We are reasearching people or structures which have already done data entries to include these references, with their agreement, into our database.
We also work to put in place a cooperative data entry system to the volunteers can participate to data entry about bibliographic references.
The association brings up to date a address directory about association and botanical institution.
On The Tela Botanica website:"le monde des plantes" since 1932, "La Garance Voyageuse", "Le bulletin de la SBCO, SBF publications and other several books.
To participate, you can :
- consult database: with a very efficient search engine:
- help us to complete references
Contact us if you have got knowledge about bibligraphic data entry which are already existent or if you want to participate to the cooperative data entry of references.
Tamara Le Bourg
State of advancement
25,887 articles clasified
592 books and medias
289 organizations
Created on June 2001